

Specific addresses:

If you prefer to get in contact to a specific member of the Dripstone Team, you can use one of the addresses below:

Stefan Biermann

eMail: s[dot]biermann[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
ICQ: 124 170 791

Timon Felix Glatt

ICQ: 426 694 893

Matthias Muschallik

eMail: m[dot]muschallik[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
Web: www.muschallik.de
ICQ: 11 919 626

Matthaeus Saternus

eMail: m[dot]saternus[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
ICQ: 314 798 788

Dennis Schwarz

eMail: me[at]dennis-schwarz[dot]com
Web: www.dennis-schwarz.com
ICQ: 612 535 49

Paulo Jorente

Cel: +49 0177 320 7 430
eMail: metal[dot]shark[at]gmx[dot]net
eMail: p[dot]jorente[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
Web: www.pjorente.de.vu
ICQ: 254 835 252

Sven-Erik Neve

eMail: se[dot]neve[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
ICQ: 139 148 780

Jochen Winkler

Home: +49 30 78085419
eMail: joc-wi[at]joc-wi[dot]de
eMail: j[dot]winkler[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
Web: www.joc-wi.de
ICQ: 211 090 824


.:More infos:.

About the game: info[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de
Webmaster: webmaster[at]belowandbeneath[dot]de